Meet the Team!

People often ask us, “How many people work at Rainshadow?” Our answer is often, “that’s a great question” partly because once you work at Rainshadow you sort of transcend the traditional employee-employer definitions becoming more like family, and partly because it varies with the season. At any given time we have 6 to 15 people making the magic happen.

Each summer we hire a rotating crew of Apprentice farmers who join our farm crew to learn how to farm. This means doing all the things: harvest, weed, plant, seed, repeat every day. Each day for them includes new tips and tricks and knowledge so they can take another step towards becoming a farmer themselves. Our Apprentices are with us for our summer growing season, May-October, and we always hope that they will stay on for another season!

Year round we have our core crew of seven that keep all the things going so the farm is ready to rock and roll when the summer growing season begins again. Those include Sarahlee and Natalie managing the farm and farm tasks, Poncho keeping the animals fed and cared for, Tristan keeping up the preservation, feeding the crew and helping with animals on Poncho’s days off, Melissa scheduling and hosting dinners, brunches, weddings and other private events, and Alison and Melody keeping the CSA members informed and at the helm of the Farm Store.

In addition to our employees, we have a rotating crew of volunteers who come and help us out. These folks often trade a days work for a vegetable share.

Finally, we have Sarahlee’s parents, Chris and David, who work tirelessly in the background to truly make it all happen. Chris helps out at the Bend Farmers Market, tends all the beautiful flowers, crafts the bouquets for all our events, and generally shepherds all of us here on the farm through our daily lives making sure we are taking care of ourselves and the Farm in the best way possible. David does all the mowing, weed whacking, and moving of irrigation lines while disseminating one line truths about the weather, the world, and the soul. Rainshadow would not be possible without either of these two beautiful humans.

Want to join us on the farm?

Or do you know someone who you think might want to work here? Check out our Opportunities page for our hired and volunteer positions!

If you are thinking about the Apprentice Program, we encourage you to reach out and schedule a working interview this year. We hire on a rolling basis starting in December. 

Our Farm Crew

Check out your CSA newsletters and our Instagram and Facebook accounts to meet all your farmers this summer! Below is a little who’s who to get you started.

Sarahlee, Farmer/Owner

Sarahlee grew up on the Farm and captains the Rainshadow ship!

Nat (Natalie), Farm Manager

Nat joined the farm in 2020 and is now our Farm Manager. She works with Sarah to keep the ship on track!

Amanda, Propagation, Greenhouse, and Garden Manager

Amanda joined our team last year as an Apprentice and this year shepherds our plants from seed to baby and on out in to the field. She also builds our nutrients and harvests all the salad mix!

Mary, Apprentice

Mary is a first year Apprentice. She has been a CSA member for years and last year decided she wanted to try growing the veg instead of just buying it! Her smile and vibe steady our crew. 

Ray, Apprentice

Ray joined us this year from Jackson Hole, WY and her infectious smile and enthusiasm for all things that grow in and on the dirt fuels our farm crews vibe!

Coni, Apprentice

Coni has joined our crew from the wilds of Northern California and Chile. She brings a sense of calm and peaceful questioning to our farm crew. 

Kelly, part-time Apprentice

Kelly is a new neighbor but longtime friend of the Farm. She joins us this year part-time to help in the field and be inspired. 

Chris, part-time Apprentice

Chris joins us part-time this year after a 6 year hiatus. He brings passion, knowledge, and deep truths to the farm crew. 

Tristan, head preservationist and Apprentice Chef

Tristan joined our team last year as a Farm Apprentice and fell in love with the kitchen. This year he is our head preservationist, cooks all our farm lunches, and Apprentices with our Chefs to gain all the tips and tricks!

Poncho, Animal Crew

Poncho joins our crew from Guatemala and he makes certain that our animals get the best care no matter the weather! His dedication and calm approach to all things keep the animals safe and happy!

Melody, Farm Store and CSA Guide

Melody has been at the farm since 2020. She began helping in the kitchen and now leads the daily charge in the Farm Store welcoming all visitors with a smile and a helpful suggestions about how to cook what we raise and grow!

Alison, Farm Store/CSA Manager and Farm Liaison

Alison joined the farm team in 2020 and keeps the lines of communication open between CSA members and the farm. Often behind the scenes, she write all these emails 😉

Mel, Events Coordinator

Mel joined Rainshadow 10 years ago! Currently she brings her passion for the farm to all our Events booking and hosting private and public dinners, brunches, weddings, and tours. When she isn’t working in Events world, you can find her literally everywhere else helping out and keeping the vibe sunny.

How to get the inside scoop on Farm-to-table events at Rainshadow:

For the first time ever we sold out of tickets to one of our farm-to-table events before we could even open up sales to the public.

All the subscribers to our Event Email List get 24 hours to purchase tickets to our events before we open sales to the public.

With that being said, we’ll be releasing our August events in just about a week and we want to make sure that you are on the Email List!

Click the button below to get signed up! Never miss out on farm fresh cuisine ever again ✨

Photo Credit: Melissa Harmon

Interested in a year round CSA?

We will be starting to take sign-ups for our Full Diet CSA in mid-June. Click on the button below and learn more about this very unique, very special CSA. (Hint, hint: in includes milk, eggs, meat, grains, vegetables and honey!)

Photo Credit: Danielle Caruso

photo credit: Melissa Harmon
Did you know we are at the Sisters Farmers Market every Sunday? Come on out and shop for all your favorite Rainshadow goodies: vegetables, meats, grains and flour, preserves, pickles, and, of course, farm fresh organically fed eggs!